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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Loud Bang, Bright Light

Dream 05/11 -12/2007

I stood in front of a panel of judges. I had no idea what I was on trial for nor what I did wrong. Only that I was in a square room with wooden flooring, sitting on a single stool with a table and five chairs lined up directly in front of me.

An older woman with gray hair and glasses spoke first. "Well, so we meet again," she said calmly.

I scratched my head and squirmed around in my chair, surprised that it spun around.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, ma'am. I've never seen you before," I answered.

She smiled, looking at her peers. An African-American man with a short beard and thick eyebrows returned her gesture and looked over to me.

"We know you wouldn't remember us, but we know your story quite well..." he trailed off.

A younger Asian woman with a slick ponytail finished his sentence by saying, "What he means is you've been here before...in your dreams, but this time it's for real."

"Ok...you've managed to confuse me even more. I'm sorry. Where am I? What is this place?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Middle-ground," they replied.

It appears that right before you die, your spirit leaves its physical form to visit a place where it can decide your fate in the after-life. There are a few options to choose from, however at the time of your decision all you know is one thing: what your last senses will experience on Earth.

(1) Loud bang, bright light (sound and sight) - a thunderous boom followed by a white glare

(2) With the sweet, comes the sour (taste) - two different flavors you have never tried before

(3) Hurt (touch) - physical pain

The experience slowly came back to haunt me. The image was hazy, but I can make out a few little details. I was lying on a hospital bed, wearing a blue patient gown. A series of beeping noises hovered over me and I swore I could make out sobbing but from whom, I couldn't tell. A woman in a white suit placed her hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. Suddenly, a massive boom echoed throughout the room. My ears grew numb and the silence was overbearing. I carefully opened my eyes to see what was around me, but a stream of white light seeped into my eyelids and drowned out all the color.

And now I'm in this room where a panel of judges sit before me.

(To be continued...)

1 comment:

Pam said...

And that woman sobbing would be me living one of my own nightmares...