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I am what I write and I write how I feel.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


It is half past 5am. The sun is still asleep and after having my eyes closed for several hours, you would think I would be asleep too. A new year has begun and it's about time I start facing my fears. The candle flickered just enough to cast dancing shadows to keep me company. And as I tossed and turned, I realized peace will be far from me tonight.

I used to have reoccurring nightmares of being lost in the woods or falling off a tall building or my ultimate favorite, chased by a killer in the dark. All of which share one thing in common: I'm utterly and completely alone.

Sometimes I would wake up unsure if I'm truly awake. I'd dig my nails into the palm of my hands and as the pain shot through my skin, I'd still think twice if my eyes were really open. I'd check around me.

Check to see if my boyfriend had a pulse. Clench tightly to my comforter to see if I could feel the feathers between the stitches. Then, through careful consideration, I'd slowly get up and let my barefeet grace the carpet before making my way to the door. I knew that if anything were hard to fake, it's the cold air seeping through the cracks, making their way in-between my toes.

Cold air.

My toes start to wiggle.

Sigh of relief.

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