You know I had to send one last email, Genaro! You should know how much I love e

I can't believe this is my last email to you! Thank you for giving the opportunity to venture out and get my feet wet here at AltaMed. I know that even after here, you and I will

Take care of yourself. And know, no matter what you mean a lot to me dear friend
Hi Jesse,

Hi Mariano,
I just wanted to send my final farewell. I know it's been challenging here, but keep your head up. Your dedication to your clients has always been your priority and I admire your strength to stand up for what you believe in. Don't let anyone pull you down just make sure no one steps on your toes either! Take care, dear and I know we'll be seeing each other again.
Hey Kathy, I just wanted to take the time to send out an official "goodbye." I know we didn't get to work together too much, but it was still nice to see strong women taking charge the way we do! So keep it up! I've always felt that your passion to represent women and the need to skew more services targeting women was admirable. Take care of yourself and you know, I'll be seeing you soon!
Hey Susie, I just wanted to say goodbye. And thank you for my lovely cd. And thank you for being so sweet to me. And thank you for always making me feel beautiful, loved, and special. Good luck and take deep breaths because you're gonna need it here! Lol. Take care of you and please, don't be a stranger. I'm not just saying that either!
Hey Carlos,
I figured it's my last day so why not spend it doing what I do best: email. I'm sending the people I will miss most a "goodbye" email so you happen to be one of those people! I know you feel special. I know you've been quite a handful last year and through your antics (only I could tolerate), I know that a shy boy lurks within. So, shy boy enjoy your "present." And no, it's not for your many ladies so don't take advantage! hahaha! Seriously, you really surprised me with Betty Boop today and I really appreciate it. After all this time, you really do have a heart. Awwww.... Ok, that's enough. Take care and don't f*$k up!
Hi Connie,
I had to say goodbye via email. It's just the "Myrnelle" way! I know you'll follow in my footsteps cuz it's the best path to take! Haha! I have no worries that you'll take care of things from this point on. I have no worries that you'll succeed in life. I have every faith in you to carry on my duties here at AltaMed since you're probably the only one that really understood what I taught you! Hahaha! The guys would probably agree since they never listened to me anyway! It was so wonderful working with you, Connie. So don't forget me! You better My Space me, call me, keep in touch. You better!
Hey Joaquin,
I know we just met, but out of everyone you've been the one most "impacted" by me leaving! lol. It's sweet. Thank you for being so willing to learn from me and so attentive to getting things done. I know you and Connie will take care of things from here, but please don't be a stranger. You got me on My Space so it's on now! Lol. Keep striving for your goals and you'll never fail. I know it's cheesy, but I live by it. Take care!
With love, Myr-Myr