About Me
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
To Giggles, From Chief
At the beginning, it wasn't smooth sailing,
What with a bit of name calling and playing
Games of horror-one that had you leading
...me to a psycho, crying and pleading.
But we managed to overcome our dislike.
Get past our differences and end the strike
Upon a connection that would soon reveal
Itself too strong to ever stop or congeal.
Fights and arguments? Had plenty of those.
Making us stronger, we suppose,
And better able to get that our world
Simply works best when our souls can unfurl
And reek good havoc upon it together
Hip to hip, an invisible tether.
So strong and true, it can never be severed,
23 years and it's only been levered
To new heights, new depths of emotion
That have kept us this close with devotion.
Love, laughter and much respect-
Things we've known we can expect
From each other, along with T.L.C
And a bit of T.C.C.I.C.
So take that 23 and switch it up
To 32 years and an overflowing cup
Of a life that's been so full and true,
I love you, my friend, and
Happy Birthday to you.
Monday, July 06, 2009
At Peace
MJ was a person who lived two extremes: super stardom and utter humiliation. He was consistently displayed in the public eye ever since he hit the music scene at such a young age. We can say it's because of his messed up childhood and abusive father or this urge to want to stand out amongst such a large family and living a life under the spotlight to be the only life he really ever knew. And it is because of these ups and downs and spirals in-between that MJ really couldn't find a balance.
So we either loved or hated him. But regardless of how we feel, we can't deny the fact that his legacy will live on. He started a trend that could only be duplicated. His music, no matter how old, is timeless. And he reached out to so many that no matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, and whether he even performed in your city...you knew who he was. And you knew how to sing along to at least one of his songs.
Yes, I am a fan. But I don't need to jump on the band wagon to prove it. I don't see a need to rush to his Hollywood Star or any of his former properties to say goodbye. I don't need to wait in line to get a ticket to mourn him somewhere inside a stadium. I know that this is a mark in history, but I don't feel the need to add to the crowd.
I am a fan of his music. I will honor him by playing his many hit songs. I will remember him as being a part of my childhood. Giving me and many others the courage to stand up in front of a crowded room and sing and dance as if no one was watching. It was because of him that I learned to love different styles of music. And for that I thank him.
It is sad that he is gone, but I think for once he will now be at peace.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
30 is the new ME
I'll do whatever I want whenever I damn well please!
Similar to what Samantha said to Carrie in Sex and the City when she felt old and stuck in a rut...
I'm going to grab life by the balls and say, "Hey world, I'm 30!"
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Surprise For Me?!
I am utterly and completely happy!
Last night (Saturday, May 30th), my beautiful baby sister Bea planned a Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" themed surprise party entitled, Nelly in Wonderland. I even had adorable souvenirs (a deck of cards for the boys and lovely black headbands for the "girls") to go along with the overall theme.
I just didn't see this coming! I knew they had something up their sleeves, but not to this degree. With the help of my older sister, Ate they plotted every minute leading up to the event. From the evites to the venue, everything was kept on the hush. No hidden clues to uncover. No text messages to decipher or emails to give away any tiny detail. Not a single paper trail lead me to believe that such a surprise was well underway!
I was so unaware of it all that my bestfriend, Pam had to come up with a last minute clever lie to get me back to Pasadena. I remember seeing her picture on my phone as her incoming call rang in thinking, "Ok, she either needs something or something bad happened." Either way I thought it wasn't good news. I picked up and right away she blurted out that her car broke down a few miles away from her place and absolutely NO ONE could come to her aid. She had the kids with her and didn't want to be alone. This was unlike her. She's handled worst-case scenarios before, but she sounded frantic...a little too panicky that I had to take a moment and collect myself in order to remain calm. I started offering every possible suggestion in the book since I was no where near the area. Calling AAA and other family members nearby, but to my dismay she shot down every single option, except of course for one: having me head all the way back to where I came from to get her.
I didn't want to tell my boyfriend, Chey at first because I knew he'd be upset and not to mention irritated that all of this was happening. We had already been late to his friend's graduation party and I really didn't want to leave so soon since we had only been there for about an hour (little did I know they knew of my party beforehand). Then suddenly, Chey became too accommodating to my needs and actually seemed willing to "rescue" Pam. I had my doubts about his niceness, but didn't catch on to it nonetheless. I think he noticed my curiosity because he finally started acting like a frustrated jerk in the car and then I thought, "Oh, there's the man I know so well!" I was starting to wonder why he didn't mind at all, but as his Mr. Nice Guy persona grew thin, my suspicions left me.
As we drove up towards the parking structure, people started screaming! I couldn't make out what they were saying so I dismissed it altogether. I kept thinking, "Geez, of all the spots in the city, Pam had to pick the most crowded one to get stuck in..." My patience wore out so fast that I even asked Chey to monitor the time so we only had to pay $1.00 for parking (I had no idea we'd be there ALL night)!
So there we were, walking out of the lot when a whole mess of people started screaming again. I turned around, embarrassed, thinking they were screaming at someone else and was even a little hesitant to cross the street (again, it didn't occur to me at all that all of this was for me).
Until of course, I moved in closer.
Chey held my hand as we crossed the street. Obviously, the first person I looked for was Pam and I kept thinking, "Wow, why is she in front of so many people?!" I didn't even realize all the faces surrounding me were my people until my friend Genaro jumped up and gave me a big hug. I almost blurted out, "Hey, what are you doing here?!"
And then more friends starting popping up: Andy, Jaime, Jesse, Quoc...
Then my family: Joey Joe, Erin, Joan, my sisters, and even my two most special cousins from up north Ruthie & Ricky (whom I shrieked at in all excitement because they travelled from San Francisco just to celebrate with me for one night)!
More and more people came up to me. Joe Bean, my brother in-law Leonard, Chey's sister Amber, Lea, Maria, Pam's husband Mike. Neil and Michelle trickled in too. Mostly everyone in my life was there.
I almost fainted! But of course... I did the inevitable... I cried.
A lot.
Tears rolled down passed my liquid black eyeliner and streaked across my flushed-red cheeks. All I kept thinking was, "Why oh why did I have to wear my bulky, black parka out of the car?!"
I should've arrived stunning, but then as I continued to make my way through the crowd, I suddenly felt fabulous. They were there for me.
All. For. Me.
It was unbelievable. Something I had only dreamed about once before, but never figured would ever become a reality, especially without planning it for myself.
Ya, I guess you could say that.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Not Bad At All
Let's face it, blogging is just for me. People may stop by and take a glance at one of my entries every now and then and be on their merry way. I don't grab that kind of attention. Sometimes I let it get to me and wonder, "Why care if no one else does?!" But what kind of attention would I get with the shit I write? I mean, I go off on tangents all the time and mainly, bitch a lot because it's easy. I don't really have a sense of purpose and feel I often say the same thing over again in different ways. But then...I figured fuck it. I'm on here to be here so I decided that today was the day to say, "Hey" all over again.
I definitely have to give credit to my sister who decided to update me with a brand new computer, complete with a HUGE monitor and my very own printer! I know she's a week early with the gifts, but I'm glad she didn't wait with this one! Then again, it was hard to miss big ol' boxes on top of my bed. I didn't have my glasses on at first so I thought it was just a mess left for me to clean up. But as I got closer, I just couldn't believe it. Seriously, I'm still in shock as I sit here and type this. I feel so professional as I type by the way. I feel like I've hit my prime now that I can log onto the Internet in seconds vs. well, ions. I feel like a real writer (even though I'm technically writing to myself).
Note: It's amazing the lengths my family and I will go for each other. My sisters are by far the most amazing that I fail to even react in such a manner that would show it anymore. Not that I expect it all the time, but I do know that they would do just about anything for me. That alone no longer surprises me. But I don't feel guilty about that. I feel special and extremely lucky! End note.
Hmmm...where was I?
I know the last time I wrote here, it was to say goodbye to one career choice in order to return to another. I came back to my old employer, but this time I took a risk and ventured off into a new direction: volunteer coordination. And no, I've never done it before or ever thought about it as something I would do well. But I had to make a change because I couldn't be in a position where I just didn't see myself moving any further. I couldn't be ok with just being ok with what I do anymore.
Note: Remember senior year in high school when they tell you to write about where you see yourself in 10 years? Well, I can't even remember what the hell I wrote. I'm guessing somewhere along the lines of business management. Something that sounded good on paper, but I cared less about I'm sure. I just wanted to look back and say, "Not bad." End note.
I took a chance, which I have to admit I strongly thought was a mistake when I was stuck on the 21st floor without a working computer and barely any real ground-breaking assignments for the first few months. I kept thinking, "Wow, I wonder if anyone even notices I'm at work?" But, I stuck it out and even survived through a week-long, disastrous trip in San Francisco to prove myself worthy of something better.
I didn't want to regret the decisions I made. I mean, I lost myself a few years back and had to re-track my steps and return home. I felt unproductive and almost like a kid who disappointed their parents for the first time. It still sucks to think about it, but living in this economy nowadays I know I'm not the only one that had to do what I did to regain my footing. They even have a name for us: "Boomerang kids (because we came right back where we started from)."
So, 7 days before my big 3-0 and I've got to admit that life ain't so bad. Over a decade older and passed my 3-month probationary period in my new role, I'm in a nicely-furnished corner office and coordinating a successful volunteer program. I have a truly wonderful family, a job I'm proud of and happy to say I'm doing well in and of course, several more things to look forward to: a home of my own, a man that has stood by me through some crazy shit, and beautiful children (even if they are not my own) that I'll get to see grow right before my eyes! And now, with my fancy new equipment I'll be able to write about it.
No, not bad, not bad at all.
Friday, October 10, 2008
My Goodbyes via Email
You know I had to send one last email, Genaro! You should know how much I love e

I can't believe this is my last email to you! Thank you for giving the opportunity to venture out and get my feet wet here at AltaMed. I know that even after here, you and I will

Take care of yourself. And know, no matter what you mean a lot to me dear friend
Hi Jesse,

Hi Mariano,
I just wanted to send my final farewell. I know it's been challenging here, but keep your head up. Your dedication to your clients has always been your priority and I admire your strength to stand up for what you believe in. Don't let anyone pull you down just make sure no one steps on your toes either! Take care, dear and I know we'll be seeing each other again.
Hey Kathy, I just wanted to take the time to send out an official "goodbye." I know we didn't get to work together too much, but it was still nice to see strong women taking charge the way we do! So keep it up! I've always felt that your passion to represent women and the need to skew more services targeting women was admirable. Take care of yourself and you know, I'll be seeing you soon!
Hey Susie, I just wanted to say goodbye. And thank you for my lovely cd. And thank you for being so sweet to me. And thank you for always making me feel beautiful, loved, and special. Good luck and take deep breaths because you're gonna need it here! Lol. Take care of you and please, don't be a stranger. I'm not just saying that either!
Hey Carlos,
I figured it's my last day so why not spend it doing what I do best: email. I'm sending the people I will miss most a "goodbye" email so you happen to be one of those people! I know you feel special. I know you've been quite a handful last year and through your antics (only I could tolerate), I know that a shy boy lurks within. So, shy boy enjoy your "present." And no, it's not for your many ladies so don't take advantage! hahaha! Seriously, you really surprised me with Betty Boop today and I really appreciate it. After all this time, you really do have a heart. Awwww.... Ok, that's enough. Take care and don't f*$k up!
Hi Connie,
I had to say goodbye via email. It's just the "Myrnelle" way! I know you'll follow in my footsteps cuz it's the best path to take! Haha! I have no worries that you'll take care of things from this point on. I have no worries that you'll succeed in life. I have every faith in you to carry on my duties here at AltaMed since you're probably the only one that really understood what I taught you! Hahaha! The guys would probably agree since they never listened to me anyway! It was so wonderful working with you, Connie. So don't forget me! You better My Space me, call me, keep in touch. You better!
Hey Joaquin,
I know we just met, but out of everyone you've been the one most "impacted" by me leaving! lol. It's sweet. Thank you for being so willing to learn from me and so attentive to getting things done. I know you and Connie will take care of things from here, but please don't be a stranger. You got me on My Space so it's on now! Lol. Keep striving for your goals and you'll never fail. I know it's cheesy, but I live by it. Take care!
With love, Myr-Myr
Farewell AltaMed
Here at AltaMed on my last day, I remember my first day: Halloween 2006.
It was an interesting experience to say the least, meeting everyone dressed in costumes: a pirate, a nun, a devil, and of course a lioness just to name a few. A different language, an unknown environment, and I'm playing the outcast. The only one without a costume and I'm the one who stuck out the most. How will I ever fit in?
I had no keys, no parking permit, no pass, no access to even email and there I was with only a badge to show that, "Yes, I am an employee."
I was stationed at a clinic that cared for predominantly Spanish-speaking patients, stuck in a closet-sized office with below-freezing temperatures. Since I couldn't speak an inkling of Spanish (but apparently I look like I'm Latina), I felt useless. Too cold to sit still, I roamed the halls finding things to do. I took things with a grain of salt, knowing that I can't just give up because I feel uncomfortable. I had to roll with the punches and trust me, there were plenty.
As the weeks and months rolled by, I started thinking, "If I can't work with what I've got then why not change what doesn't work?" So, that's exactly what I did. I started cleaning house and writing protocols so that any future newbies won't feel as lost as I was.
Finally, at the beginning of the new year they moved me to a new location: Indiana (an old school house made entirely out of brick). Although the possibility of it being haunted was a little eerie, it had a warmer feel to it. I had a cubicle to call my own, and after a quick paint job and a few little add-ons it became my "home away from home."
I have made wonderful friends along my journey and know in my heart that the one thing I will miss the most is seeing them every day.
I write this, excited about where I'm going next, what I'll be doing there, and who I'll be meeting. I write this, saddened by the fact that I'm leaving what at first intimidated me, and proud that I didn't quit before I started. I kept at it until there really was nothing more I needed to do. I will leave knowing I did my part.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Survey Says?
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? I always cry. It's been an emotional whirlwind of a year, but it made me stop and realize that life's too much of a mess to breakdown all of the time.
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yup. I've been told that it looks like a blend of cursive and print. I'm a writer so it goes without saying.
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? I dunno bout you but "lunch meat" doesn't sound appealing. Doesn't it feel funky when a sandwich with more bread than meat and lots of mayo sticks to the roof of your mouth?!
5. DO YOU HAVE ANY KIDS? None of my own. But…I have lotsa boys! And 2 crazy girls, one who is so squishable and the other still can't quite pronounce the "R" in MyRnelle. Oh! And one is on the way!
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Hells ya! I'm one tough, reliable cookie!
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? With the people in my life, one has to be prepared to take jokes and spit them back just the same. So, um…that would be a yes.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Ya, but I think they're swollen.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? WTF?! If I wanted to shit in my pants, I'd eat yellow curry. Haha!
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Don't have one. Stopped eating them cuz they never make me full. But…it wouldn't hurt to chew on a Rice Krispie marshmallow square.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Forget laces. I'm a slip-on kinda gal!
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? DEFINITELY more mentally than physically. I only show my weaknesses to my loved ones, cuz they'll make me laugh it off.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Tart frozen yogurt from Golden Spoon!
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I hope people comment w/their answers.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Dark denim and brown slip-ons.
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? A sausage biscuit from Jack in the Box. Mmmm...
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Phones ringing off the hook, but none of the calls are for me. Boring job.
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? Freshly brewed coffee, daddy's spaghetti sauce, coconut/mango candles, fresh linen, eucalyptus massage oils...
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Of course! she's a sexy mamacita herself!
26. DO YOU LIKE USING COMPUTERS? Only for writing.
27. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? On TV, Lakers Basketball cuz it's the only one I can follow. Live, Dodgers/Angels baseball for the true experience.
28. HAIR COLOR? Brownish Gold. No, seriously just brown.
29. EYE COLOR? Dark, seductive brown. Lol.
30. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Glasses. Just glasses.
31. FAVORITE FOOD? Daddy's sketti
32. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Neither. I hate scary movies cuz they make my imagination run wild, but happy endings are bullshit. So…I prefer a great story with good characterization. It's the storyteller in me.
33. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? A Dark Knight. Great film.
36. HUGS OR KISSES? both cuz I deserve it all!
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? Golden Spoon!!
38. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? anyone who has nothing to do!
40. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Comic Book Tattoo! (a comic book inspired by Tori music).
43. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOUND? my family's laughter
44. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Beatles cuz their lyrics are so singable!
45. WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? Philippines. 17 years ago. 17-hour trip is hard to forget. Hate planes. Hate planes. Hate planes.
46. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? i'd like to think it's writing, but no one wants to pay me!
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Manila, Philippines
48. WHOSE ANSWERS ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING BACK? i know too much about my sisters so...surprise me
49. EVER FLOWN ON A PLANE? Unfortunately, yes.
50. WHERE WOULD YOU LOVE TO GO ? As cliche as it may be, Europe. And Ireland cuz all the great films with spectacular scenes took place there. Also, I would like to revisit Philippines since I didn't get to see much being that I was only 10 with a thousand relatives to meet.